
Your complete guide to switching from gas to electric at home

Whether to save money and emissions or to improve your health, going all-electric at home can be done all at once or over time. 

The Electric Homes Program is designed to make this process easy for households in the Barwon region. Below is a complete guide to transitioning off gas and onto electricity at home. 

Going all-electric: Your key considerations

  • Using renewable electricity - Solar panels and battery storage
  • Replacing your gas appliances - Hot water, heating & cooling, and cooking
  • Your transport - Electric vehicles and home charging
  • Future proofing your home - Your switchboard & other considerations
  • The final step - Disconnecting your gas

Solar and battery storage

For many people, transitioning off gas is as much about reducing their carbon footprint as it is saving money. 

Gas is a fossil fuel, mostly made up of methane, which is a key driver of climate change. Electricity can be generated from renewable sources or fossil fuels. This makes it a better option than gas, however the only way to ensure you’re using 100% renewable energy in your home is to generate and use your own clean energy. 

Therefore solar panels and, for many households, battery storage are a key part of the transition off gas and on to renewable electricity. 

The Electric Homes Program has partnered with RACV Solar to deliver quality solar and battery solutions, installed to the highest standard and backed by industry leading warranties. Submit your details to chat to their expert team about your needs.

Swapping out your gas appliances

Before you can disconnect your home from the gas network, you’ll need to identify which appliances in your home use gas and replace them with electric alternatives. For most Victorian households, these are likely to include your hot water system, your heating/cooling system and/or your gas stovetop. 

The Electric Homes Program offers efficient electric alternatives for your hot water system and your heating/cooling system - these are hot water heat pumps and split system heating/cooling. We’ve chosen these products as they’re among the most efficient, low cost options to run. 

To find out more about replacing your heating/cooling and hot water systems, submit your details and our delivery partners, Reclaim Energy and Jeztek Plumbing, will get in touch to discuss your needs.

Induction cooktops are the electric alternative to gas stoves, and are not only better for the climate but are better for your health too. We’re not offering cooktops through the Electric Homes Program, however we recommend getting in touch with a local supplier or, if you’re not sure where to start, reach out to us and our team can help put you on the right track. 

Electric vehicles and home charging

Transport is another key element of switching to clean electricity in and around the home. Cars account for around half of Australia’s transport emissions, but switching your petrol car out for an electric vehicle (EV) can reduce your emissions and running costs. 

For households that have, or are planning to get, an EV, installing a charger at home allows you to recharge your car up to 3x faster than a standard power outlet. With the right charger, you can also use your solar power to “fill up free”.

Through the Electric Homes Program, you can get a charger installed in your home through RACV Solar. Submit your details to chat to their expert team about your needs.

Plan ahead: Setting your home up to be all-electric

If, like many people, you decide to transition off gas over time, it’s worth planning ahead. Whether you start with solar panels, a hot water heat pump or heating/cooling, make sure to let our experts know what steps you might need to take now in order to make your future transition easier and more efficient.

If your home is largely powered by gas, it’s likely your switchboard might need an upgrade in order to accommodate your future electrical load. Our experts will ask for a photo of your switchboard during your consultation, so they can help you identify any required upgrades sooner rather than later. 

It’s also worth thinking about other steps you can take to increase your home’s efficiency. Look at draught proofing, window coverings and ensuring your garden can shade your home to protect from the summer heat. These things are generally low-cost but go a long way to improving the efficiency of your home. 

Disconnecting from gas

Once you’ve eliminated your home’s gas usage, you can disconnect your home from the gas network altogether to avoid paying the connection fee. 

Permanent gas disconnection costs are now capped at $220, though other fees and exit charges may apply. We recommend talking to your utility provider directly to find out more.

Ready to start your transition off gas?

Whether you’re interested in solar panels, battery storage, a hot water heat pump, split system heating/cooling or an electric vehicle charger, get in touch with our expert delivery partners to find out more and begin your all-electric journey today.

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